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Mimbl is a TypeScript component authoring library with many unique features that make the developer’s life a bit easier.


  • Functional and class-based components as well as custom HTML elements.
  • Independent components whose lifecycle is controlled by developers and which can be accessed via standard property and method invocation.
  • Built-in trigger/watcher mechanism that re-renders components upon changes in observable properties.
  • Partitioned components that allow independent re-rendering of portions of a component.
  • Component events - just like HTML element events.
  • Custom attributes for HTML/SVG elements defined by developers and supported via handler objects.
  • Service publish/subscribe mechanism.
  • Module lazy-loading.
  • Defining styles using Mimcss CSS-in-JS library.

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Mimbl was created by Michael Michlin. You can contact me directly at mmulya@outlook.com.


Compare Mimbl performance to other libraries in JS Web Frameworks Benchmark by Stefan Krause.